
Search allows users to quickly find content. The Search field is made up of the Text field component and an optional Button component.

Basic Usage

With an initial value

With a placeholder

With callbacks

With a custom label

With custom screenreader text

With the submit button outside the input

Advanced Usage

For needs that deviate from the basic usage above, use <SearchField.Advanced />. The children elements must contain the SearchField.Label and SearchField.Input components at a minimum.

With a custom label

With an initial value

With a placeholder

With no clear button

With no submit or clear buttons

Advanced usage with the submit button outside the input

Use class pgn__searchfield_wrapper to group input elements apart from the submit button.

Theme Variables (SCSS)#

$search-btn-variants: (
"light": $primary-500,
"dark": $brand-500,
$search-border-radius: 0 !default;
$search-line-height: 1.5rem !default;
$search-border-color: $gray-500 !default;
$search-border-color-interaction: $black !default;
$search-border-width: .0625rem !default;
$search-border-width-interaction: .125rem !default;
$search-disabled-opacity: .3 !default;
$search-button-margin: .5rem !default;
$input-height-search: calc(#{$input-line-height * 1em} + #{$input-padding-y * 2}) !default;
SearchField Props API
  • onSubmit
    func Required

    Specifies a callback function for when the SearchField is submitted by the user. For example:

    <SearchField onSubmit={(value) => { console.log(value); } />
  • label
    string | element

    Specifies the label to use for the input field (e.g., for i18n translations).

  • className

    Specifies a custom class name.

  • onBlur

    Specifies a callback function for when the user loses focus in the SearchField component. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onBlur={event => console.log(event)} />
    Default() => {}
  • onChange

    Specifies a callback function for when the value in SearchField is changed by the user. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onChange={value => console.log(value)} />
    Default() => {}
  • onClear

    Specifies a callback function for when the value in SearchField is cleared by the user. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onClear={() => console.log('search cleared')} />
    Default() => {}
  • onFocus

    Specifies a callback function for when the user focuses in the SearchField component. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onFocus={event => console.log(event)} />
    Default() => {}
  • placeholder

    Specifies the placeholder text for the input.

  • screenReaderText
    shape {
    label: string | element Required,
    submitButton: string | element Required,
    clearButton: string | element,

    Specifies the screenreader text for both the clear and submit buttons (e.g., for i18n translations). The default is { label: 'search', clearButton: 'clear search', searchButton: 'submit search' }.

  • value

    Specifies the initial value for the input. The default is an empty string.

  • icons
    shape {
    submit: element Required,
    clear: element,

    Specifies the icon element(s) to use for the clear and submit buttons. The default is:

      submit: import {Search} from '@edx/paragon/icons';,
      clear: import {Close} from '@edx/paragon/icons'.
    Default{ clear: <Icon src={Close} />, submit: <Icon src={Search} />, }
  • formAriaLabel

    Specifies the aria-label attribute on the form element. This is useful if you use the SearchField component more than once on a page.

  • inputProps
    shape {}

    Props to be passed to the form input

  • variant
    enum'light' | 'dark'

    The button style variant to use.

  • disabled

    Specifies whether the SearchField is disabled.

  • submitButtonLocation
    enum'internal' | 'external'

    Controls whether the search button is internal as an icon or external as a button.

  • buttonText

    Specifies a text that is displayed on the button. The submitButtonLocation prop should be set to external.

SearchFieldAdvanced Props API
  • children
    node Required

    specifies the nested child elements. At a minimum, SearchField.Label and SearchField.Input are required.

  • onSubmit
    func Required

    specifies a callback function for when the SearchField is submitted by the user. For example:

    <SearchField onSubmit={(value) => { console.log(value); } />
  • className

    specifies a custom class name.

  • onBlur

    specifies a callback function for when the user loses focus in the SearchField component. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onBlur={event => console.log(event)} />
    Default() => {}
  • onChange

    specifies a callback function for when the value in SearchField is changed by the user. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onChange={value => console.log(value)} />
    Default() => {}
  • onClear

    specifies a callback function for when the value in SearchField is cleared by the user. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onClear={() => console.log('search cleared')} />
    Default() => {}
  • onFocus

    specifies a callback function for when the user focuses in the SearchField component. The default is an empty function. For example:

    <SearchField onFocus={event => console.log(event)} />
    Default() => {}
  • screenReaderText
    shape {
    label: string | element Required,
    submitButton: string | element Required,
    clearButton: string | element,

    specifies the screenreader text for both the clear and submit buttons (e.g., for i18n translations). The default is { label: 'search', clearButton: 'clear search', searchButton: 'submit search' }.

    Default{ label: 'search', submitButton: 'submit search', clearButton: 'clear search', }
  • value

    specifies the initial value for the input. The default is an empty string.

  • icons
    shape {
    submit: element Required,
    clear: element,

    specifies the icon element(s) to use for the clear and submit buttons.

    Default{ clear: <Icon src={Close} />, submit: <Icon src={Search} />, }
  • formAriaLabel

    specifies the aria-label attribute on the form element. This is useful if you use the SearchField component more than once on a page.

  • disabled

    Specifies whether the SearchField is disabled.

  • submitButtonLocation
    enum'internal' | 'external'

    Controls whether the search button is internal as an icon or external as a button.

SearchFieldClearButton Props API
This component does not receive any props.
SearchFieldInput Props API
  • className

    specifies a custom class name.

  • placeholder

    specifies the placeholder text for the input.

SearchFieldLabel Props API
  • children
    string | element

    specifies the label to use for the input field (e.g., for i18n translations). Note: if children is not provided, a screenreader-only label will be used in its placed based on the screenReaderText.label prop for SearchField.Advanced.

SearchFieldSubmitButton Props API
  • variant
    enum'light' | 'dark'

    The button style variant to use.

  • submitButtonLocation
    enum'internal' | 'external'

    Controls whether the search button is internal as an icon or external as a button.

  • buttonText

    Specifies a text that is displayed on the button. The submitButtonLocation prop should be set to external.
